Welcome to First! We’re glad you are here!
Rev. Hoeun Lee will be in the office Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9 am to 3 pm.
Phone: 519-745-8487 (ext. 208)
Cell: 519-722-5990
Email: rev.hoeun.firstunited@gmail.com
Sunday, February 9th – Fifth after Epiphany
Lectionary Readings:
Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13); Psalm 138 (VU p. 860); 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11; Luke 5: 1-11
Deadline for submission to the weekly updates is Tuesday by 12:00 p.m.
To get your offering to the office you can use PAR, e transfer to firstunitedchurch@rogers.com, website donation www.firstunitedchurch.ca or send a cheque. Cheques can be dropped off at the church mailbox which is located at the Entrance on the William Street side of the building.
Also, you may send your cheque to
First United Church
16 William St. West
Waterloo ON
N2L 1J3
Reminder, credit card companies have a fee of around 3-5%. If you wish First to get the full amount, then please add that percentage to your contribution.
All groups and committees preparing information for the Annual Meeting on March 9, 2025, are reminded of the following timelines:
All reports are due now and must be in Word Document format. Please send electronically to the new address only (not the church office). firstunited.annualreport@gmail.com
Please submit Financial reports to treasurer, Paul Miller pmiller0324@rogers.com
The rose on the communion table today is placed in joy and thanksgiving for the safe arrival of Maren Juliana Martin, daughter of Nathan and Isabella Martin and granddaughter of Kathleen King Martin.
Join us on Tuesday Feb. 4th for our FREE Noon Hour Concert. This week’s performance is: Anita Pari – piano, Jaeyong Chong – cello.. Remember to pre-order your lunches by Thursday Noon at firstunitedconcerts@gmail.com. (egg, ham, salmon or tuna on whole wheat $6;butter tart, nanaimo or date square $2; tea or coffee $2) See you there!
The Nominating Committee is working to provide a full slate of board members and committee members for 2025 for the Annual Meeting which is coming up on Sunday, March 9.
All of the committees and the Church Board would be happy to welcome new members. If you know someone you think might be interested in joining a committee or the Board please speak to them or let the Nominating Committee know. If you have a keen interest in a specific area yourself, let us know.
In particular we want to let you know that there are several positions on the Church Board called congregational representatives. These positions are a good way to join the Board and learn how it operates.
We are looking for a vice chair of the Board as well as a recording secretary.
This year we are also looking for members for a new Communications Committee. The committee will provide support for staff to expand our online presence with younger generations including short videos and podcasts and will continue our engagement and outreach through our website, newsletter and social media.
Here are the committees and some possibilities for you to consider: Worship, Pastoral Care, Property, Outreach, Faith Development, Justice Team, Affirming/Inclusion, Ministry and Personnel, Stewardship/Finance, Nominating.
The Nominating Committee is Marg Dickson, Muriel Omand-Naylor and Mary Joan Brooker. We would be happy to hear from you.
One of the roles of your Ministry and Personnel Committee is a healthy relationship role, responsible for overseeing the relationship of the pastoral charge staff to each other and to people in the congregation.
First United is blessed with staff who are so committed to their work for us. If you have praise or concerns about a staff member or the work of a staff member, we urge you to speak to that staff person. If you are not able or willing to speak to the staff member the matter can be shared in signed correspondence with the M&P Committee. All issues are considered confidentially by the M&P Committee. Anonymous complaints or rumours will not be considered.
The current members of the Ministry and Personnel Committee are Marg Dickson, Jean MacLean, Nola Mott, Ken Mott and Joan Westcott.
Joan Westcott, Chair, M&P Committee
The UCW will meet on Thursday, February 7 at 1:30 pm in the church parlour. The theme will be “Hands, Hearts and Feelings”. All are welcome to join us for an interesting program and time for planning and fellowship.
There will be a Townhall Meeting on Sunday February 9th following the service.
This Townhall Meeting will be led by the Envisioning Task Force Team.
11:40-12:30 – Lunch
12:30-13:30 - Conversation
Join us for the February “Senior Sing-Along and More!” Experience an afternoon of joyful hymn singing, heartwarming fellowship, and fun surprises.!
DATE: Thursday February 20th
TIME: 1:30 pm
LOCATION: First United Church Chapel
Bring a friend, your love for music and your best singing voice! We can’t wait to see you there.
Mark your calendar for upcoming dates of Senior Sing-Along and More: March 20; April 17; May 15; June 19
Thanks to everyone who got back to us about their flexibility around our early February meeting! We are going to go ahead and do tubing on Thursday, February 6.
Pick up and drop off will be at Parkminster United Church in the parking lot on Thursday, February 6. Please arrive by 6:50pm. We will be back at the church around 8:30pm.
Chicopee Tube Park requires CSA approved helmets for anyone 12 years old and under. CSA approved helmets include bike, ski, or hockey helmets. The leaders will have some additional helmets to borrow if needed - please indicate on the form if your youth must wear a helmet on the hill, either due to Chicopee rules, or for your own comfort.
There is no cost to participants for this activity. Chicopee does sometimes have food and hot chocolate available at an additional cost.
Please ensure that you are dressed appropriately to spend an hour and a half outdoors - this includes a hat (or helmet), mitts, snow-pants, boots, etc.
We are really looking forward to this fun winter-time adventure with you!
Come as you are! We strive to create a brave space for all of you by being an explicitly 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusive and neurodiverse accepting group! We also recognize that youth group can be intimidating for Indigenous and racialized youth, and we are committed to building a welcoming and inclusive group. Please feel free to contact us at rebecca.w.westminster@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Bethany McMullen and Rebecca Whiting
Sunday, Feb 2 |
10:30 am |
Worship – 4th After Epiphany |
Sanctuary. |
11:30 am |
Refreshments |
Hilliard Hall |
1:00 pm |
Kids Concert Musicians |
Parlour |
1:00 pm |
Kids Concert |
Hilliard Hall |
3:00 pm |
Noon Hour Concert Rehearsal |
Sanctuary |
5:00 pm |
KW Chamber Music Society |
Chapel |
Monday, Feb 3 |
5:00 pm |
KWYO – Sinfonia |
Sanctuary |
7:00 pm |
Scouts |
Hilliard Hall |
Tuesday, Feb 4 |
8:00 am |
Noon Hour Concert Prep |
Hilliard Hall/Kitchen |
12:15 pm |
Noon Hour Concert |
Sanctuary |
1:30 pm |
Property Committee |
Parlourfrd |
5:00 pm |
KWYO – Strings |
Sanctuary |
5:15 pm |
KWYO – Preludium Strings |
Chapel |
Wednesday, Feb 5 |
6:30 pm |
Sparkes |
Labyrinth Room |
6:30 pm |
Embers |
Hilliard Hall |
Thursday, Feb 6 |
10:00 am |
Bell Choir |
Sanctuary |
1:30 pm |
UCW Meeting |
Parlour |
4:00 pm |
Family Choir |
Chapel |
7:00 pm |
Gallery Choir |
Chapel |
Friday, Feb 7 |
1:00 pm |
Fridays at First |
Hilliard Hall/Kitchen |
Saturday, Feb 8 |
9:00 am |
Knitting Group |
Parlour |
1:00 pm |
Dungeons & Dragons |
Labyrinth Room |
3:30 pm |
Games Night |
Parlour |
Sunday, Feb 9 |
10:30 am |
Worship – 5th After Epiphany |
Sanctuary |
11:30 am |
Congregational Townhall Meeting |
Hilliary Hall/Kitchen |
3:00 pm |
Laurier Academy of Music |
Narthex/Sanctuary |
4:00 pm |
MTSpace (Cinema Club Project) |
Parlour |
of happenings, events and concerns of our
First United Church Family
February 2, 2025
Minister Rev. Hoeun Lee
Music Director Kathleen King Martin
Church Administrator Sheena Curwood
AV Technician Harold Arnett
Custodian Jay Brooker
Assistant Custodian Craig Lennox
16 William Street West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 1J3
Office: 519-745-8487 x201
Office Hours: Mon-Thu 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
email: office@firstunitedchurch.ca
website: firstunitedchurch.ca
Chair of the Board
email: firstunitedboardchair@gmail.com