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Welcome Back to In Person Worship
Sunday, March 13, 2022
We are looking forward to seeing many of you again! The services will also continue to be live streamed, so if you are not ready for in person meetings yet, that is perfectly fine! We trust you to know what is best for yourself.
We will continue with the sign-in in the Narthex for the time being, but most other restrictions have been lifted.However, the following will continue:
  • Masks are still required
  • Every second pew blocked
  • No bulletins or hymn books in the pews
  • No physical passing of the peace
  • Choir and music as deemed safe by those involved
  • Communion using the prepacked elements
Coffee hour will resume in the near future, once a schedule has been established.  It will be with drinks only, poured by a server, individual milk, creamer, sugar.

We look forward to seeing you as you feel comfortable coming out.

Cathie Stewart Savage
Chair, Safe Start