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On October 16th, following a tour of the property with Rick Heemskerk, Jay Brooker and Kindred Works representatives, Tim Blair and David Constable, the board met for a presentation of Kindred Works' tentative feasibility study for our building redevelopment. At that meeting Kindred Works proposed building a multi-story tower where Hilliard hall, kitchen, chapel, parlour, labyrinth room and offices are. The plan included retaining and renovating the sanctuary.

The board decided that we should proceed with the next steps of this process. This involves getting further documentation and information from Kindred Works  that would give us a fuller picture of their potential options for the church building. Once those documents are available, our options will be shared at a congregational meeting, allowing all interested members and adherents to see the plans and ask questions. We are awaiting this information from Kindred Works and currently have no time table for when this will happen. Our hope is that a minister from Kindred Works will preach on a Sunday, followed by the information session.

In anticipation of this moving forward the nominating committee has been tasked with finding interested volunteers for a redevelopment committee to assist in this process.

We are at an investigative stage, no irrevocable action has been taken or expenses incurred.

Once we have more information in-hand we will be able to set a date for the information session and provide further updates to the congregation through the newsletter and website.

Rick Heemskerk
Board chair